About Us
Service Projects
No Sew Blankets with Key Club
Sponsored Youth
Oak Harbor Kiwanis Bazaar
SunSet Dinner Cruise
How many volunteer hours did you complete?
Were you a Key Club Board Member? What position and what years did you serve?
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Thank you for submitting your scholarship Application
Please describe in detail two of your most rewarding Key Club experiences. How have you demonstrated caring and compassion in these service projects?
Gary Wallin Scholarship application
Last Name:
Upload 1 of 2 letters of recommendation from educators, instructors, friends, employers, etc., who are familiar with your abilities and include this application. (Please do not include letters from family members.)
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Please describe in detail your most rewarding Key Club experiences.
List your community and school service.
How have you demonstrated caring and compassion?
What are your plans after high school to continue supporting your community?
First Name:
Describe in detail two of your favorite volunteer experiences. What did you learn from your experience?
Upload 2 of 2 Letters of recommendation from educators, instructors, friends, employers, etc., who are familiar with your abilities and include this application. (Please do not include letters from family members.)
File must be 10 MB or less
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What leadership opportunities have you had? How has that developed your personal style to lead others?
What years were you an active paid Key Club Member?
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Was Not In Key Club
This scholarship is only for students who have
been active dues paying Key Club members for a
minimum of two years
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